Castor Oil

Castor Oil

Anti Inflammatory

Product Description
  • Castor oil is a highly valued as a natural laxative like cumin and aloe vera. The laxative properties of castor oil increase the movement of muscles which freely pushes bowel materials via the intestine and clears the waste.
  • The goodness of ricinoleic acid the major fatty acid in castor oil exhibits powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of castor oil may be specifically beneficial in treating inflammatory
  • The potential antibacterial properties of castor oil battles bacterial overgrowth when applied topically and clear acne.
  • The strong antifungal properties of castor oil facilitate to ward off bacteria and maintain mouth fresh and healthy.       
Ingredients Composition [Castor Oil ]

Erand Seed Oil

एरण्ड बीज तेल

10 ml.

  • Anti-inflammatory -  शोथ (प्रदाह)
  • Laxative - पाचक
  • Anti-bacterial - जीवाणु रोधी
  • Anti-fungal - फंगस रोधी

For Adults: 1-2 spoonfuls once a day with warm milk or as directed by the physician.

बङों के लिए: 1.2 चम्मच दिन में एक बार गरम दूध के साथ अथवा चिकित्सकीय परामर्शानुासर।

For Children: 1 spoonful once a day with warm milk or as directed by the physician.

बच्चों के लिए: 1 चम्मच दिन में एक बार गरम दूध के साथ अथवा चिकित्सकीय परामर्शानुासर।


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