Arsho-Fit Ointment

Arsho-Fit Ointment - 30 gm

Natural Way to manage piles

Product Description
  • Prevent bleeding and congestion
  • Promote easy bowel movement
  • Act as Soothing effect
  • Improved elasticity of hemorrhoid vein
  • Protect from anorectal itching and heal fissures
  • Relief from burning and irritation
  • Tones vascular musculature
Ingredients Composition [Arsho-Fit Ointment - 30 gm]

Sphatika Bhasma

500 mg.

Shoddhit Harital

125 mg.

Yasad Bhasma

200 mg.

Daruhaldi Extract

300 mg.

Haldi Extract

150 mg.

Satyanashi Patra Extract

200 mg.

Ark Patra Extract

300 mg.

Neem Oil

500 mg.

Karanj Oil

400 mg.


50 mg.

Indian Cow Ghrit

3 gm.


4.275 gm.


Take optimum quantity of Arsho-Fit Ointment over applicator & apply it to affected area.

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