Franchise with us


Become Distributor or franchise owner

Jantayu Ayurveda is well known name in field of Ayurvedic Medicines. We are providing opportunities for young, dynamic and hardworking individuals and distributors to become Jantayu Ayurveda`s Distributor.

Jantayu Ayurveda provides distribution at monopoly basis with marketing rights at assigned territory, so our distributors can work more efficiently and without worry of infiltration from other territories. Along with marketing cum distribution rights, we provide all marketing and promotional inputs to market and promote products efficiently.

Fill Below form and get details for Franchise with Jantayu Panchgavyam

Why Jantayu Ayurveda`s Distribution Ship?

Procedure to take Jantayu Ayurveda`s Distribution ship:

Who are eligible to take Jantayu Ayurveda`s Distribution ship?

How much investment is required to start Jantayu Ayurveda Distribution ship?

We always encourage young professionals to start own distribution ship business with us. For that reason, we don’t have any minimum investment policy. You can start with investment as you would like to start. We believe in continuous growth hence regular order and regular increment in sales will be highly appreciable.

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